
Howdy partner!
This is line 1
this is line 2
My full name is Thomas Anthony Hedin
My full name is $FirstName $LastName
This demonstrates escaped characters. I want the $US Dollar Sign.
You bought 8 items at $4.99 each for a total of $39.92.
Plus $2.9441 Minnesota Sales Tax.
You bought 8 items at $4.99 each for a total of $39.92.
Plus $ 2.94 Minnesota Sales Tax.



My full name is Thomas Anthony Hedin
My full name using $FullName Thomas Hedin
Your IP address is

My PI calculations
My input radius is 250 meters.
My calculated circumference is 1,570.8 meters.
My calculated surface area is 196,349.5 squared meters.
My value of pi is 3.1415926